Endocrinologist: Access to Carcinogenic Oral Contracpetion Should Be Criminalized Not Given to Girls


Under New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s ten point Women’s Equality Act it is proposed that access to contraceptives should be a human right. This of course trumps the doctor/patient relationship as well as parental rights. A leading endocrinologist from New York comments on the nature of hormonal contraceptives, why they are labeled carcinogenic by the […]

New York State Reproductive Health Act: Cuomo Vows to Enact


2016 Presidential hopeful Andrew Cuomo has vowed to enact the Reproductive Health Act (RHA). This bill stipulates and implies the following: Contraception and abortion enacted as fundamental rights at any age without parental consent Excludes conscience protections for medical providers who refuse to refer for abortion and contraception thereby placing them at risk for charges […]